Friday, May 22, 2009

May 2009

A log for this particular month ... started late... must include family, friends and travels.

On May 9th, my kind last husband, Paul, and I had a wonderful time at old friend, Dave Ward's Seventieth birthday party. His lovely wife Laura always plans spectacular events to celebrate Dave's milestones and this one was no exception. Beginning with hors d'ouvres outdoors near the gazebo at Brenner's Steak House we were thrilled to find old and famous friend, Steve Tyrell, in from California. That was a great reunion. We joined KNUZ buddies Arch and Jan Yancy visiting and snacking and then sitting down to a splendid table of delicous choices, great conversation, wonderful entertainment and many kind words about the honoree. There are times that a trip into the "big city" is just too much fun. I'm so glad I was included.

My wonderful Turkish cooking classes at the Turkvei Center in Bryan have finished for the season. Can't wait to get back in the fall to learn, and eat, some more. What a great cuisine to find. I will treasure the recipes, the fellow students and my two great teachers, Hulya and Aishagul and all those sumptious lunches. I'm so glad to have found Phoenica supermarket in Houston to keep the special foods on hand ... especially Bulgarian Feta Cheese!

Another Houston trip (did I say I don't go to town very often?) to celebrate dear friend Susan Buddeke's retirement after more than thirty (30 !!!) years at KTRK-TV. I cannot even imagine working at the same place for that long. It is so wonderful that she gets to quit while young enough to enjoy her family (precious pair of grandkids) , her lovely home and travel. And, a fellow who is taking her to Boston (?) to see George Strait. And she deserves every happy minute that she gets.

Then we headed off in another direction. I picked up Laura in New Braunfels (well, Schertz, actually) and we drove to San Angelo to see the brilliant Amanda Razo (significant other to grandson Clayton) receive her RN nursing pin at a gracious ceremony on Friday night and then her Associates Degree on Saturday from a fine small university, San Angelo State. I was surprised to find that it is a member of the Texas Tech University system. Lovely place. She has two fine job offers and with the completion of a few more hours will also have a Bachelor's Degree. Clayton, who also needs very few more hours has accepted a position of horse trainer, wildlife manager at a large ranch near Hondo, TX. So they go from struggling college students to very gainfully employed. That's a great success story for this year. While in San Angelo we met up with dear Ascencion church friends George and Mary Jane Butler who now cal SA home. Boy did we talk!

Not much else is planned for May. Its time to save some money and get ready for June's adventures.

How to tell a Blog from a Rant

When I rant, and I do rant, it is about the things over which I have no control. Not simple things like the weather and the traffic, big stuff, people who just won't do what I want them to. It may be as simple as a slow driver in the fast lane on State Highway 6. Whatever happened to slower cars keep right?

Sometimes it is about the people for whom I care, who don't see me as I want them to.

Often it is about my own shortcomings; limited organizational skills, clumsiness, incredible lack of patience with myself or others.

Sometimes I rant right at God. I figure why mess with any middlemen; priests, psychologists, family or friends? It is true that God is Good, he listens to them all and, frankly, it doesn't seem that I am being particularly punished for them. In fact, sometimes he just calms me down.

But, this new mode of expression is not for ranting. It is for logging. Right? WeBLOGGING?

Let's see if I can do that.

In the beginning

An article entitled "Improve Your Mood in 5 Minutes" listed eighteen ways to improve your mood. Number one on the list said, "Start a Blog."

In a last ditch effort to improve my mood I am starting a Blog.

It will not be deep, nor wide, nor thrilling, it will just be writing.

And, since it is a "virgin" blog it probably will need some training.