Saturday, December 27, 2014

Hey, God, its me, Sally and I need to find a job.

My four months at the pain management clinic are coming to an end.  That means I'm back out looking for work.

Looking for a job was easier back in the day.  I leapt between broadcasting and advertising as "better" jobs became available.  They were offered to me, I believed I could do them well and so I did.

Now it is different.  None are offered and if they were would I think I could do them?  

Precision Spine data entry job taught me some really tough lessons.  For one thing, I don't work well with others!  Being in a room with four or five other people who have four or five other work habits, eating habits, illnesses and peculiarities, is not my cup of tea.  Bottom line, I'm mighty spoiled.  Even my last temp job offered an office, chores I was mostly capable of and folks who seemed to like and accept me.

You know that song about "you don't know what you have until its gone?"  My current refrain.

So, Happy 2015 and all it brings.  We have some nice family occasions in the offing.  We have some college graduations coming too.  There are adorable great-grandsons who are fun to watch grow and change.  I am so fortunate to have four children who remain in touch with me and each other, eleven grandchildren in a wide age range who grow and accomplish every year.

Thanks to that dreaded "social media" I am in touch with far more friends and family than ever would have been likely or possible in another age.  It is fun to keep updated on folks' families, travel, and interests.  To me they are truly "friends."  I have other friends who choose not to participate in any of that foolishness, or as one says "I don't play on Facebook."  I do and I am grateful for the fun, information and opportunities it provides.  

Wish me luck ... I'm off to find employment!  Wish it wasn't necessary ... I could so stay home, play and go places.

Y prospero ano   !!!

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