Monday, September 13, 2010


Thoughts on being out of work. Friend says "say you are retired, sounds better than "unemployed."

So I am at work on becoming unretired. I have enrolled at the two major employment organizations in Bryan/College Station. Many Navasota employers use them I am told. I have checked on an on-line employment service as well. I have an application in at the City of Navasota.

October fifteenth will be the day I start to worry in earnest. So far its just fleeting moments of wondering. The rest of the time its pretty cool not to have to go to work. Visiting with family and friends, sorting through old clothes to give away, old books to sell, those are meaningful. Baking cookies and cakes, those are fattening but I give them away as well.

Tonight is Vestry meeting, Wednesday noon is Millican Ladies Club (haven't gotten to many of those this year), Thursday night is Millican heritage meeting. Sunday I will go to Tyler to sit on some grands while their Mom does in service at her new school.

And then I will have to get very serious in the search department ... these bills won't pay themselves. I do think networking with family, friends and churchmates is more likely to result in finding something but we shall see.

I am reminded of the opening gambit of the talk on Stoics ... "some things are in our power, some are not in our power. Don't get them confused or you will be miserable." My goal is to not be miserable.

Meantime if you hear of any job openings in the greater Navasota area don't hesitate to tell me.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with sitting on grands! ;)

    Praying for a swift result to your job search.
