I have always gone to church. It has always been because I wanted to be there. No one ever said "you have to get up and go to church today."
It may be a result of genetics; grandfather who was a well respected Congregational minister with a Divinity degree from Yale, mother who attended with great faithfulness, I don't know.
However, I have always wanted to be there. Were there Sundays when I didn't feel worthy? Many, many, many ... but I went.
Having never been particularly successful financially I believed it important to contribute in other ways. So I have served in many capacities. I was the first female usher at Ascension. So what, you say? Well in 1967 it was a big deal. Sunday school, vacation Bible school, school board, calling committee, Vestries, Membership and Evangelism Council, Usher, Host, Kitchen duty, and others, were places I put my efforts ... oh, and yesterday I was the assigned photographer for St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals. And I write for the newsletter. Make no mistake, I have always pledged and paid most of my pledges but they are not great sums.
Brought up in the Congregational Church in Wisconsin and introduced to the Episcopal Church by the Chaplain for whom husband, Lindsey, served in the US Navy, I was confirmed at St. Marks on Bellaire Boulevard in 1967 and have been proud to be a member of some exceptionally fine churches since; Ascension for more than 30 years, St. Andrews during my short stay in Las Cruces, Christ Church Cathedral (if you've never been there, you should go), St. Peters in Brenham and now the most exceptional, St. Francis of College Station.
I cannot imagine skipping church on Sunday morning. Not to say there haven't been Sundays in other towns and countries where I didn't go. But if I am at all available I will be in church. I'll probably be there some other days of the week as well. I have found that sharing jobs, study, meals and worship with people of similar beliefs is very rewarding. Certainly there is not widespread agreement on all issues ... we are Episcopalians after all. And we are not required to be in lock step. We are encouraged to pray, study and think.
About going to church .... I love it and hope to continue attending and serving and learning and sharing worship for the rest of my days.